Planning Tips- How Can They Help You And Your Business?



Planning tips can be useful for everyone- whether you are a student, businessman, or any other person who needs to manage time.

Some basic planning tips for your personal plans usually include:

  • Setting goals
  • Making to-do lists
  • Getting rid of distractions
  • Scheduling breaks

Business plans include some of these tips but there are other important things you have to keep in mind. Planning in business is one of the most important steps toward a successful project. Without a good plan, your business can slowly lose its goal or strategy, and lead to many complications.

There are many apps like Easynote that can help you manage your (business) plans. We will mention these apps further in the article.

A screenshot of easynote's dashboard which can help as the best scheduling software for small business and schedule tasks or meetings

How can we facilitate our planning and ensure that our business does not lack structured plans? Read more and find the answer with the top 12 planning tips.

12 Planning Tips For You And Your Business

Being organized is one of the best qualities of anyone that works in management. If you are a project manager, scrum master, or any business owner, you know that planning is an essential part of your job. All businesses are aware of the importance of a good plan.

That is why companies hire project managers and other personnel dedicated to this step of any project plan. Effective planning is essential to save time in any business.

However you decide to operate, we are sure that these planning tips will help you or your business save a lot of time for other tasks and activities.

Planning a project can be a complicated task and these tips will ensure that you keep up with all your plans and goals.

1.      Decide what your goals are

Defining your goals is the first of the planning tips we will offer. When you have a clearly defined goal in front of you, it is much easier to navigate through it. Envision what all your goals look like, and what your project looks like once it is finished. Then, you can set them for all your teams, coworkers, and yourself.

If you are working on product development, you can envision what this product will look like and how it will be perceived.

2.      Do a Market Research

If you are developing a product, market research is essential in the planning process. It will help you identify and understand your target market, what they like, and what their preferences are. This can save you a lot of time. Market research is a powerful tool for any business because it lets you spot and identify your competition. Not only that, it helps you identify your competition’s strengths and weaknesses. This can facilitate your process by knowing which things to integrate into your product and which things are not desirable.

3.      Prioritize Tasks

Task prioritization is a planning tip that does not sound like it is important in saving time, but it definitely is. Businesses or project managers should start by identifying the tasks that are most important and allocate resources accordingly.

This approach will make sure that resources are focused on the most important and crucial activities and reduce the risk of time wasted on other insignificant tasks. This will save you a lot of energy as well since you will know which tasks need to be optimized sooner and which can be saved for later.

4.      Use Templates and Standardized Processes

Whenever there is some automatization available, you should use it because it will save a lot of time for you. Templates are always a good option. Templates and standardized processes will help you save time but also streamline activities, reduce errors, and improve quality. By creating templates you do not need to do repetitive tasks all over again and you can reduce the time spent on many routine activities.

easynote's template feature where you can see all the features of it listed on the same page

5.      Review If The Set Goals Are Realistic

After setting your goals, you need to know when to access them if they were realistic. Setting realistic goals is very important for effective planning. Businesses need to be sure that their goals are achievable and that they can be achieved at the set deadline.

Unrealistic goals may lead to demotivation and wasted resources. It is always good to reassess your goals and know when and where you can step in to adjust them and make them more realistic.

6.      Conduct Regular Reviews

Just like you review your goals, you should review your business activities. This will give you an insight into which activities are wasting your time and which activities are doing well. Businesses should conduct reviews of their policies, processes, and all other procedures regularly in order to identify areas for improvement.

This tip will help you or your business to save time by eliminating time-consuming practices, which will lead to better overall productivity.

7.      Delegate Tasks

If you are a project manager or a business owner, you can delegate tasks is an effective way in order to save time for your team members and business. By delegating tasks to capable employees, businesses can free up time for more important activities. Delegation can also improve productivity and help to develop team members’ skills.

8.      Avoid Multitasking

Many people find multitasking to be counterproductive if they are trying to save time. Businesses need to avoid multitasking. Instead, they can focus on one task at a time. This planning tip will help you concentrate, use your time wisely, and not make any potential errors that might disturb your goals.


9.      Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is proven to be essential for saving time in business. All managers should ensure that their communication is clear, direct, concise, and relevant. By clear communication, you can save a lot of time on unnecessary meetings or misunderstandings.

A successful project manager needs to have good communication skills which will be very useful for delivering the project’s plans and goals. This way, you will make sure that everyone is on the same track.

10.  Use Data to Inform Decision-Making

Data can provide important insights into business activities, which can enable businesses to make appropriate decisions and avoid time-consuming activities. By using data to inform decision-making, you can save time and optimize resources.

11.  Review and Update Your Plan Regularly

As we already mentioned, reviewing your goals is an important step in time-saving business planning tips. Additionally, it’s important to update your plan regularly. Reviewing and updating your plan can be a very good strategy for saving time. This way, you will not waste time on things that show no potential for your business’s future.  

Business planning is an ongoing process. Your plan should change as your business changes. So, you need to make sure it is still relevant and effective.

12.  Final Planning Tip: Use Time Management Apps

Technology is your best friend when it comes to saving time in business. Good and efficient tools can help businesses automate tasks, improve communication and streamline processes. Technology can also help businesses to find and access data and insights in almost no time. This will reduce the need for manual data entry, or manual analysis.

These apps are also useful for employees who work remotely. As more and more companies employ workers who do not necessarily need to live close, technology has become an integral part of any business. Remote workers are the new normal, and every business needs to adapt to that.

These apps offer many features for remote workers who will use them alongside all other employees and regularly be a part of the planning process.

Also, they will help you save time on hiring processes because you can easily conduct interviews through them. It is easy to find people who will work remotely or in the office by filtering through CVs and other forms. Other employees may find it easier to contact you regarding some problems or ideas, so they can also help you save time and not get lost in many emails or messages.

There are many time management apps available for you, and in this part of the article, we will list just some of the best ones that we have come across.


Easynote is one of the best time management tools on the market. It offers many useful features that can integrate all the planning tips mentioned in this article.

A screenshot of easynote's dashboard which can help as the best scheduling software for small business and schedule tasks or meetings

Its powerful Ultimate Dashboard will help you organize your time very quickly. You can easily navigate through all your projects and timelines within the app.

It is very user-friendly, so even if you are not tech-savvy, you can start using it today. It offers a range of different templates that can help you automatize your repetitive tasks and save time for other important tasks.

Additionally, Easynote integrates a lot of useful apps such as Zoom, Google Meets, and Calendars which will help you not waste time switching through all these different apps. They are all there, just a click away. How to sync your calendars?

Easynote allows you to set your goals, and track your process towards these goals. Also, it lets you follow your teams’ progress towards the set goals.

Meetings are also done easily, where you can set a meeting and write down important meeting minutes which you can use later. This way, you will save time on going back through the meeting and remembering what was important.


Asana is another great time management tool that can help you organize your tasks and your time efficiently. It offers many templates and other tools that can help you integrate the above-mentioned planning tips.

screenshot of asana's home page which shows its features that can help you organize better

There are also dashboards that will help you organize meetings, tasks, and other important things you need to do.


Trello is a popular time and task management tool which many businesses use. If you want to learn how to streamline your work week using Trello, you can follow this article.

screenshot of trello's home page which shows its features that can help you organize better

Trello functions using Kanban boards which give you an overview of your tasks during your day, week, or month. You can archive these tasks and set dates and times for them.

Monday is another good tool that can help you save time for your business. It also offers many templates that can be useful for you. Many features can help you manage your tasks, plans, and schedules.

a screenshot of monday's kanban boards that help scrum masters use techniques for agile methodologies and approaches.

Conclusion on Planning Tips

In conclusion, effective planning is crucial for saving time in business. By following these planning tips, you or your business can optimize your resources, reduce waste, and achieve your goals in a timely and efficient way.

You should remember that prioritizing tasks, using task management tools, and using templates and standardized processes can help you a lot when it comes to saving time. Also, do not forget to use technology, set realistic goals, delegate tasks, conduct regular reviews, avoid multitasking, and use data to inform decision-making. Additionally, it is important to communicate effectively.

Lastly, you should use apps like Easynote that will help you manage your work and time and save you a lot of energy as well.

With these tips, businesses can improve their overall performance and save a lot of time.

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