Dependencies- The Ultimate Guide



What are task dependencies? dependencies relate to task dependencies in project management.

Task dependencies are a critical component of project management as they demonstrate the relationships between tasks.

When you start any kind of project, it is easy to manage it if there are only one or two tasks related to it. However, this is mostly not the case. Projects usually consist of many different tasks that need to be connected in some way. dependencies usually deal with this, and we will explain exactly how later in the article.

Once you determine which tasks need to be prioritized and finished first, and you determine the order of all other tasks, you are on your way to achieving your project goal. You can see them as steps toward the common goal.

There are several different ways you can connect your tasks.

Different types of task dependencies

There are three ways you can classify your task dependencies:

  1. Finish-to-start
  2. Start to start
  3. Finish to finish
task dependencies shown on  agraph on orange background useful for buisness

Finish-to-start is the most common type of dependency. In this type of task dependency, task B cannot start without the completion of task A. For example, you cannot put windows before you build walls of your house. This type of task dependency is efficient when tasks need to be done in order, which will ensure a steady movement toward the goal.

Start-to-start is the next type of task dependency. In this one, the start of one task is related to the start of another task. For example, if companies agreed that marketing and brand awareness project will start at the same time and are closely correlated, one cannot start without the other.

Finish-to-finish is the last type of task dependency. In this one, the completion of task A is dependent on the completion of task B. This one is useful if you have two tasks that are not related to each other but need to be completed at the same time. For example, your product’s web page and marketing strategy need to be finished at the same time in order for you to launch the product.

After determining these basic types of dependencies, there are also 4 types that we need to mention that are important for your project.

The 4 Task Dependency Types

These 4 types of dependencies are mostly related to priority and other legal factors. dependencies can also help you with managing these 4 types.

They are classified as Mandatory, Discretionary, External, and Internal.

Mandatory: also known as hard logic dependencies. They are mostly required by a contract or any legal requirements for your project.

Discretionary: also referred to as soft logic dependencies. They are not mandatory, but here you schedule activities by team preference or best practices.

External: your team will usually not have control over the external dependencies. They are mostly input from some external source that needs to be completed before the task can proceed.

Internal: your team will be in charge of these dependencies as they reflect internal agreements. They concern different activities within the project.

Why Do We Need Dependencies?

There are a few big reasons why we need to identify dependencies within a project and know how to use tools like to do this efficiently. Some of the benefits include:

Task dependencies help with resource management

When allocating tasks and thinking about which ones will take a lot of time to finish, you create a timeline that gives you many estimates for your project. When this is done, you will know how to distribute resources correctly.

You will easily decide which tasks will be allocated to which teams or employees. Also, finances and other important things related to your project can be distributed more carefully. This will help you save your project from many possible errors that can happen when resource management is not done correctly. Which resource management task deploys and activates personnel and resources?

Task dependencies help you deliver your project on time

If you do not manage your tasks on time, there is a big chance of project failure. There are many things that could go wrong, such as difficulty in task allocation, communication and collaboration. These things are a possible nightmare for any project manager.

If you distribute your tasks well and on time, you  can consider half of the project done. Your team members will know what their responsibilities are and work towards the same goal. This will ensure that your project stays on track and ultimately all that all your tasks are completed on time. dependencies sectiom shows the timeline for each of your tasks as well as the dependencies.

screenshot of dependencies used in the app that is useful for all project managers

Task dependencies help with risk identification

When developing your task dependency scheme, it is important not to overlook any potential risks. These schemes will help you understand your project better and see if there are any bottlenecks on the way which may cause you some issues. Identifying these will help you solve them early on and continue with your tasks without any problems. Dependencies- How To? dependencies section helps you with micro-managing your task dependencies so you can enjoy all the benefits from these processes.

On the platform, you can easily set dependencies between different tasks. For example, if you set a finish-to-start dependency, you will be notified when someone finishes a task so you know that you can start a new one. dependencies will notify you of this.

screenshot of dependencies used in an app by a project manager

Another example of how it works is in cases of delay. If you do not finish your task and you are 10 days behind, it will automatically know to extend the notification for the next task for 10 days.

You can edit task durations on your board and this will help you understand how it impacts other tasks. If you planned to finish one task in two weeks but it will take three, you will immediately see how it will affect the whole project and if it will affect the deadline.

Also, flexibility is guaranteed because you can move tasks around while keeping dependencies. This gives you a lot of freedom to manage your own tasks in the best way it suits you.

After creating your task, you will click on the Dependent On column where you can add other tasks that your task is dependent on. This way you will ensure your tasks are connected in one of the explained ways.


There are other apps similar to that will help you with task dependencies.

Our choice is Easynote, an app that can help you connect all your tasks in an easy way.

Easynote is a task and time management app that can help you manage and keep track of your tasks and their dependencies in a straightforward way.


There are a few features that can help you with this similar to dependencies:

Linking tasks: Easynote allows users to link tasks together, which creates a visual representation of the task dependencies. You can set up a task dependency where each task is dependent on the completion of the previous one. This way, it is easy to ensure that you’re not missing any crucial steps and that you’re moving forward through your tasks in a logical sequence.

Color-Coding: Easynote lets users color-code their tasks based on their priority or status. Different stages of a project can be marked by different colors, such as Red for “In progress,” Blue for “On hold,” or Green for “Completed.” This way, you can easily see where you stand in the project and what should be done next from your tasks.

Reminders: Easynote has a reminder feature that lets you set up reminders and alerts for specific tasks. You can set up different reminders for tasks that are dependent on others- This way you will not forget to start them once the other tasks are completed.

Collaboration: Collaboration is done easily with Easynote. It is very useful for collaboration between team members. You can assign tasks to specific team members and set up dependencies between their tasks. This way, your teams know what they need to do, and it ensures that each task is completed on time which contributes to the overall project’s success.

A screenshot of easynote's dashboard which can help as the best scheduling software for small business and schedule tasks or meetings

All in all, Easynote will help you with task dependencies by letting you:

  • link tasks,
  • color-code them,
  • set up reminders,
  • and collaborate with team members

All of these activities will make it easier to manage big projects and ensure that each one of your tasks is completed in the right sequence.

How do dependencies help project managers?

Task dependencies are crucial for project management and they help project managers to plan, develop, track, and execute their projects more efficiently. There are several ways they can be beneficial to project managers, and these include:

Facilitation of project planning

Task dependencies will help project managers understand the sequences in which tasks will need to be completed. This can be very useful as managers will then plan the project timeline, which will include allocating resources and setting realistic deadlines for each task.

Reducing delays

When project managers understand task dependencies and their importance, they can accurately identify potential delays. They can take corrective action before these issues occur. This will help them keep the project on track and also ensure that it is completed within the budget and within the agreed time frame.

Resource allocation

Task dependencies can help project managers when allocating resources. They will be able to do it more effectively. When project managers identify the tasks that are dependent on one another, they can ensure that resources will be available – at the right time or in the right quantity.

Improving communication

After task dependencies are developed, team members will need to communicate and coordinate their work effectively. This will improve collaboration skills, promote teamwork, and motivate your teams to do as best as they can towards the set goal.

Conducting risk management

Task dependencies will help project managers to spot any potential risks and plan the project accordingly. They can spot potential bottlenecks, and customize the project plan according to these issues. Also, they can implement contingency plans which will lower the risks.

Task dependencies are important for project managers as they facilitate their work. They help with project planning, reduce delays, enhance resource allocation, improve communication, and help with risk management. With task dependencies done correctly, project managers can save a lot of unnecessary work on their projects. They can also improve efficiency and ensure that projects are finished successfully.

Conclusion dependencies are a useful tool that you can use when creating dependencies for tasks in your project. As already mentioned, there is a huge benefit in creating them because they can virtually show how your project will develop.

Not only that they help, they also guide you and predict issues early on. It is important to know how much time your team will need for each one of their tasks and how much time you will use for certain parts of the project.

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