One dashboard that gives you overview of everything, everywhere
The most powerful collaboration and project management tool.
Shedule meetings, appointments, and events for individuals and organizations. #1 Alternative to Calendly!
Manage your meetings, Google & Outlook and add meeting minutes to them.
Collaborate, write, edit and manage documents in real-time. Alternative to Google docs.
Manage all your files and documents in one place. Sync with Google Drive or OneDrive.
Get in contact with us by phone, email or chat
Visit our knowledgebase and read over 100 articles how to use Easynote.
Manage your meetings, Google & Outlook and add meeting minutes to them.
Easynote provides you with everything you need to manage your projects and your work. Stay on top of your tasks by organizing your work with our widgets. Manage budgets, risk and deadlines with just one click. Thanks to our highly customizable and scalable grid-based system, you can adapt every single project to your specific needs.
Easynote Project Management is extremely adaptable to any industry no matter the size.
From IT, Construction, Marketing & Advertising, Healthcare, Events, & Automotive to Banks and many more
Widgets are super powerful and here is how they are working:
So if you are using Excel, you know that you can add an unlimited
number of columns and that you can rename them to anything?
This is exactly the same thing with our widgets, however we
have created many pre-defined widgets so you can
just add the ones you need in your project and rename
them to fit your needs.
This gives incredible scalability to any projects and businesses
We know how important it is to manage your budget in a project, no matter where you work. It's one of the most crucial things when managing any work. With Easynote you can manage your forecasts, budgets and always know exactly where you are in a project.
Gantt charts don't neet to be ugly! That's why we created one of the best Gantt charts on the market!
No matter what job you have or what industry you are working on, the work you do and the tasks you need to complete all have some sort of risk. With risk management, you can lower your risk and help your project to succeed, improve your quality - and even better - save tons of money.
Delivering work on time is crucial for all of us. With Easynote you will never miss a deadline again.
No matter what you're working on, collaborate in real time on any project, task, document or file.
Since we all prefer to work in different ways, we created two different ways to manage your daily work. Handle everything in Easyview or Agileview.
Check out the videos below.
One important aspect of project mananagement is to keep track of your documents & files. Easynote has an inbuilt document management application called Documents. In here you can create documents, collaborate with others and easily link to your files, tasks, meeting minutes and other documents.
With our unique dashboard, you're always just one glance away from knowing what is happening and who is involved - at any time and across all your projects.
Easynote comes with more than
50 pre-defined templates!
No matter the industry or project, you can get started with your projects in seconds.
From Construction to Retail, from IT to Marketing, Easynote templates are suitable to all businesses and departments.
More applications just for you!
We are building one tool to rule them all! Easynote will replace many of your tools with a single tool
thanks to our awesome applications!
Don't miss the opportunity to use one of the best work and collaboration softwares.
Easynote is the perfect tool to manage your own and your teams daily work.
Mensur Zahirovic - Customer Success Manager
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